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Not eating meat, poultry or fish

I recently decided to stop eating meat. Not really a Crohn's decision, more of a humanitarian one. Its' only a,few weeks and my stomach seems happier. Not as much gastritis, GERD, bloating. It's not going to be easy going forward because I live in an independent living community where dinner is provided & it's hard sometimes. I have,a very small kitchen but really don't want to cook. Any advice?

  1. Hi . Glad to hear your symptoms are improving. I know some of our patient leaders have either tried vegetarian diets or, like Matt describes in this article, semi-vegetarian: Does your community do health/medical meal accommodations? I ask because, since you have found improvement with your diet, maybe you could put in a request for a medical accommodation. Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts and experiences. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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