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Not typical symptoms!

For nearly 4 years I've suffered with flare ups of intense pain/pressure and urgency to wee. Always assumed it was my bladder. Bladder checked with scans and camera and never show signs of a urine infection. Flare ups can last between 1 day to 2 weeks and getting longer. The last few times it's happened (over the last year) I've suspected more bowel problems. I've noticed mucus in my stools nearly all the time and lots during a flare up of pain and increased urine frequency. Also, I am more regular when pooing during a flare up. Stool sample showed Calprotectin level of 1790 during (well near the end of) a flare up and 430 a couple of weeks later when no symptoms were present (apart from maybe a little mucus). Inbetween full on flare ups there are few days that I am without any pain or mucus, but it isn't that bad. Flare ups are awful, draining, depressing and painful. I have been referred to a specialist after the GP has suspected IBD. In the meantime I was wanting to know if anyone else has had the following less common symptoms and gone on to have a diagnosis of crohns or colitis.
Mucus (but no blood)
Hard small pieces of poo (matches constipation picture on stools chart), once per day and more urgent during a flare up (no diarrhoea).
Weeing about 25 times per day during a flare up and about 12-15 times a day at other times.

  1. Forgot to mention, I've also had 2 episodes of erythema-multiforme on my hands in the last few months. Is this related maybe?

    1. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles, @kbutts and feel your pain. It is amazing how many nasty side effects we can experience that goes beyond our digestive system when living with Crohn's. Have you discussed your urinary issues with a urologist or your GI? Mucus is also common among IBD patients, as is constipation at times. It seems as if there are hundreds of types of symptoms that fall into the "IBD" category. Please keep us posted on what your doctors discover and your treatment. We will be thinking of you!

      --Julie (Team Member)

    2. Erythema Nodosum is related to Crohn's. Not sure about Erythema Multiforme. EN is horrible though. I got it when I was first diagnosed and it was extremely painful. It was only when I was given Prednisone that it went away. -Elizabeth (team member)

  2. I've definitely had all those symptoms minus the frequent weeing. There was a time where I did notice peeing more often but not up to 25 times a day. Sorry you are going through this. I hope you get relief soon. Definitely have your specialist test you for IBD. Here is an article you can go over with your specialist to make sure you have thorough testing:

    I hope this helps some.

    Best, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. You are experiencing exactly what I was looking to see of anybody else had. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's after my first real flare, but at the start of it I thought I was getting a bladder infection (UTI) but my urine was negative for bacteria. Now, 2 months later I'm starting to think I'm getting another one and all day I've had this crazy urgency to pee and never feeling like I've voided completely. I don't have diarrhea yet, but am going a lot more often and some times it is just small pieces. It's so great to have others to run these strange symptoms by!!!

      1. Sorry you experienced these symptoms too. I can relate. Whenever I was in a bad flare I felt pressure on my bladder and like I had to pee often. You aren't alone! -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. Every flare up (that i contacted my GP about) for the last 4 years I've been tested for a urine infection. The pressure and pain which I've always thought was my bladder is intense. Only assumed it was my bladder because of the urine frequency. What were your Calprotectin levels and how did your finally get diagnosis of crohns? Did you have anuthing in your stools? I'm just waiting for a colonoscopy.

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