Hi everyone, I'm new here and was just looking for a place to connect with other people and their experiences.
I have suffered on and off, mostly on for a long time.
I was told by my GP that I had IBS "it's common"
Then when I had to beg for a scan it confirmed I had Gallstones, so I had it removed about 6 years ago.
I've not really been right since but just put it down to IBS and tried to be careful with diet. Nothing much changed.
Now I'm having less and less time where I have a normal bowel movements. Sometimes it's severe going up to 10+ times a day and then others it's not too bad where I only go twice.
I am waiting on the 2ww telephone call to get the ball rolling there. My FIT test came back abnormal with blood present and the calprotectin was moderate at 73.5.
I'm hoping to get to the bottom of it soon. I'm so drained all the time, I literally could sleep all day....when not on the toilet!