Hi! I consider myself a blockage expert! I'm not a doctor, mind you, but I've had this thirty years, and have probably had at least ten blockages (both full and partial). Sorry for what you went through.
The problem with telling you what to do is the term blockage gets used for a relatively wide variety of symptoms. For example, there are blockages that become so bad that your intestine tears, you have sepsis, and you need to operate immediately to save your life. There are other partial blockages that just involve obstructive like symptoms but aren't too severe at all and just pass on there own. There is also all kinds of things in between.
For my own story, generally speaking, if you have a blockage, you will be in enough pain to feel YOU NEED to go to the hospital. This generally is accompanied with severe abdominal pain, possible sweating or chills, nausea, vomiting, and, most importantly, an inability to go to the bathroom. You both CANNOT GO TO THE BATHROOM and CANNOT PASS GAS. Every blockage that is of any concern meets these last two criteria...that I've heard about at least. If you can go to the bathroom..even pass gas...you are out of the woods...in most cases (unless there is sepsis or something). This is not to say you won't have another blockage but at least this one should be under control. Of course, check with your doctor. But this is my experience.
Some other bad things I've had with blockages include fecal vomiting...this is gross. It involves vomiting the feces stuck inside your intestines. Blockages can necessitate surgeries (I've had resections) as a result of them. But sometimes you go to the hospital and can go home without them. Generally speaking, avoid the surgery if you can imo. Anyway, this is the basics about what I know.
Your case seems to have cleared from what I can tell. You should be okay. But if you have another similar episode you probably should go to the E.R. to get checked out.
Matt (Team Member)