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Prednisone Side Effects

Does anyone have any tips for the side effects of prednisone? I am currently on 40mg, and am looking to do a faster taper because of how it is effecting my mental health. Any advice on things like acne, moon face, and crazy hunger?

  1. Hi . The desire to get off the prednisone is certainly understandable and many here have been there. That said, there is also the fear of what a taper can bring. In particular, is a potential for increase in symptoms. Our patient leader Rich discussed his fear of the taper here: In addition, I want to share this page from the Mayo Clinic on prednisone withdrawal, which goes over the potential accompanying issues: It really is a double edged sword - the drug creates issues you want to get away from and withdrawal potentially brings a whole new set (see this article for more on the mood issues from the prednisone: Hope this information is useful and that others chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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