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Suspected uc

Does anyone have any advice to offer
My gi is suspected ulcerative colitis I’ve suffered with my bowels for years going between chronic runs & cramps to constipation and pains I have just recently had a very bad flare up and the pains were dreadful I today had to go the toilet but it felt to big to pass and I had to strain and awful lot there was bloody mucus when I wiped ( sorry for the graphic description) I haven’t had any colonoscopy yet I’m still waiting however I am so scared that I’ve got cancer I’ve convinced myself does anyone else suffer like this ?

  1. Blood and mucus are staple symptoms of IBD. I have it a lot and I am cancer-free so don't stress yourself out. Deep breaths. I would push for a colonoscopy, that is always a good way to get a diagnosis. Here is an article that goes over the diagnostic testing for IBD. Go over it with your doctor and push to have them done so you can have peace of mind.

    -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. they're all common symptoms of UC. Have you had your colonoscopy yet?
      - Sahara (team member)

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