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UC - biologic failure

I’ve had UC for two years
Initially did well with enemas for a few months.
Then switched to entyvio. Tried it for 6 months but didn’t help.
Now on stelara. Initially had great response with help of a 2nd iv booster but then had a case of food poisoning and triggered a flare that won’t go away.
They are trying to increase it to q4 weeks but I’m still requiring high dose po prednisone and still symptomatic.

Anyone else struggling to get into remission. They are thinking of switching to remicade next. Worried that won’t work either and will need surgery.

Any other treatments or tips that helped others?

  1. Hi , I imagine that trying all these new medications must be hard on you. I want to reassure you that having to try out a few medications actually isn't that uncommon! I started on Humira, had a little response, moved to Remicade and am now trying to move the Remicade to a more frequent schedule. If that doesn't work, we'll probably think about another biologic as well (all this has happened in the last 6-8 months). I think you should definitely discuss your concerns about surgery with your doctor. In my case, I was told I am not anywhere near needing surgery (though personally I felt that if I was told I would need surgery it was likely for a good reason, so I was open to the idea). In terms of treatments or tips, I would suggest you definitely keep on top of letting your doctor know about your symptoms, so that you can discuss any necessary next steps. Perhaps continue a light diet and try to get rest when you can. I know it is hard to be in a waiting game with this, but know that you're doing the best you can and sometimes it just takes time to figure out what to do with a biologic. Please keep us updated if you feel comfortable! -Eshani (IBD Team Member)

    1. it really is impossible to say. There are LOTS of treatment options, but what works for one person has no relevance to anyone else. There's research happening now that's hoped to personalise medicine in the future, so simple tests will say whether someone will have an adverse reaction, or build antibodies quickly etc. But, nothing like that happens at the moment. It's very much a suck it and see situation. I've been there. I understand your frustration. I wish I could be of more use.
      - Sahara (team member)

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