It's Okay Not to Be OkayOne thing I absolutely love to talk about is mental health. Whether it's on my blog, Chronically Strong, my social media and other outlets, or in person. I genuinely think that...
Mental Health with Crohn's or ColitisI think that people who do not live with Crohn's or ulcerative colitis do not realize how much deeper IBD affects people. We are not just living with diarrhea and...
My Most Vulnerable Mental Health Story...I have gone back and forth in my mind about whether to share this story with my friends on as opposed to solely on my website. I often wonder...
Mental Health and Self CareMental Health isn't just supposed to be talked about a few times throughout the year on the National Awareness Days, its for every single day but those days are meant...
Making Mental Health a PriorityWhile society’s views on mental health have evolved from where they were years ago, we still have a lot of work to do. We also have a lot of work...
Your Mental Health is Equally ImportantHolidays can be a fun and happy time of the year, but for many people, it can also be very stressful. To be honest, this can happen at any time...
5 Tips for Dealing With Your Mental Health and Crohn's DiseaseEach year, like most of the population, I set a New Year's resolution or two. Amongst the promises that flitter away by the 31st of January, one resolution that reappears...
Let’s Talk About the Tough Stuff: IBD and Mental Health - Part 1**This post discusses topics of mental health and suicide that some may find too uncomfortable to read.** September is known as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month which aims to raise...
IBD & Mental Health - Hope & HelpTrigger WarningThe content includes information related to mental and emotional distress and it might be upsetting to some people. If you or someone you know have thoughts of suicide, have...