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Burning sensation due to Colitis. Please help

Burning sensation left sided pain with proctitis / colitis. What can I do ? What medicine should I ask for ?

  1. Hi Sophia, thanks so much for reaching out to our community. It's always best to discuss these symptoms with your doctor and discuss possible medications to help. I do hope, however, you'll be able to find some answers and personal experiences from our community members. Please keep us updated on how you're doing, if you can! Best, Pam (team member)

    1. Hi Sophia,

      I too had left sided pain. I was dx w/ left sided ulcerative colitis. I used heat packs and warm topicals like tiger balm or topricin to ease the pain on my left side. I also slept on my right side, with pillows against my back to help ease the tension while I was sleeping. You definitely need to speak to an GI specializing in IBD about treatment options for your colitis.

      -Brooke Team Member

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