Egg in the Basket

Everyone has that 1 meal, their favorite comfort food, that they've been eating as long as they can remember. Growing up, my mom used to call it a toad-in-the-middle, but as an adult, I refer to it as an "egg in the basket." Apparently, there are dozens of different names this food goes by, which shows you just how many other people enjoy this simple meal.

This is probably the easiest, shortest recipe and ingredient list you'll find on this website, but I urge you to try it. This is my favorite meal. It's what I eat in the mornings or at night, when I'm healthy or when I’m sick, in the summer or the winter. It's universal. It's full of protein. And to me, it tastes like home, like comfort, and like self-care.

During an IBD flare

When my stomach is uneasy, or full-on upset, I turn to safe food. As I've written in other articles, my list of Crohn's disease foods I'm able to eat when trying to avoid a flare is usually just your garden variety of carbs in different shapes and forms (crackers, bread, pasta, potatoes). This dish breaks up the monotony, plus it gives me a great protein option outside of the peanut butter I regularly rely upon!

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Honestly, there are days I eat this for more than 1 of my meals. Yes, I feel like it's just that good. My favorite part is when you cut into the egg and the bread soaks up all the yolk and it's delicious.

If you've made this before, I'd love to hear what it’s called in your home!

Makes 1 serving

This breakfast recipe's ingredients

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 slices of your favorite kind of bread
  • Optional: 1tbs butter or PAM spray or cooking oil
  • Optional: salt and/or pepper

How to make an egg in the basket

  1. Tear a circular amount of bread out of the center of the slice. For precision, you could use the rim of a glass or a biscuit cutter, but I usually just use my fingers and break out a round section (and promptly consume it as well).
  2. Heat a skillet over medium-low heat. Spray with PAM, cooking oil, or melt butter in skillet before adding in bread.
  3. Place the slice of bread in the skillet.
  4. Break open egg directly in the center of the hole in the bread.
  5. Cook until egg sets a little on the bottom (45 seconds to 1.5 minutes).
  6. If you'd prefer to season your egg, this would be the perfect time to sprinkle with salt and/or pepper.
  7. After another minute, flip over the entire bread/egg combo with a spatula. Again, if you'd prefer to season your egg, this is when I'd recommend adding seasoning to the other side.
  8. Move toast around the skillet, until the egg yolk looks soft and the toast is golden brown.
  9. Repeat with your second slice of bread and egg, because 1 is never enough. :)

IBD recipes

When it comes to cooking with IBD, we're all working from a different set of ingredients. Food sensitivities and dietary restrictions vary greatly from person to person, and there is no one diet recommended for Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. Check out our full list of recipes for more ideas – all from people who cook, eat, and live with IBD!

Nutrition facts

Per Serving

  • calories: 276
  • cholesterol: 358mg
  • dietary fiber: 0.5g
  • potassium: 141mg
  • protein: 12.6g
  • saturated fat: 10.2g
  • sodium: 483mg
  • total fat: 20.9g
Photograph by Amanda Osowski. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Do you have any recipe requests? Share them in the comments below! Or, let us know if you tried this recipe and how it turned out!

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