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A life with IBD

When I was 9, I was hit by a car and badly injured. After a time period, I began to have stomach pain and diarrhea. My parents took me to a doctor. He diagnosed Colitis. When I was 17 it began again. Any time I had something important to do or go to, I would get severe belly cramps and diarrhea. This has caused me problems all of my life. I am 75 now. I thought by this age, I wouldn’t be interested in treatment, but I am.

  1. I am so sorry you had to deal with that accident at such a young age. That is certainly a trauma that can linger. I definitely feel like you would benefit from treatment. Do you have a Gastroenterologist? Also, a therapist would be excellent. I see one, and I wish I would have seen one sooner. The mind and gut and intricately connected. -Elizabeth (team member)

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