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Absolutely frustrated

I've been having bowel issues for the past 5+ years, that have gotten considerably worse the past 3 to the point of fecal incontinence. My gastro did a colonoscopy 3 years ago, but I just found out this year he didn't take any biopsy. Repeat colonoscopy last weekend and it shows "vascular-pattern-decreased mucosa in the descending colon, transverse colon, and ascending colon." Biospy taken, for some reason I thought he would take more than 2 samples. Today I see the pathology report that indicates nothing was found, and states there were only 2 samples one right colon and one left. I also have GERD, which is well treated with Rx medication.

I am calling our large hospital system tomorrow as I found they have an IBD clinic, as I hate to say it buy my gastro just isn't cutting it. The issues I'm having cannot be normal, but his response is "eat my fiber" and treating me with colestid which just makes me constipated and not going for 2-3 days followed by diarrhea once the constipation clears. Anyone have similar results and what was ultimately the issue?

  1. Hi , I'm so glad you reached out. While I don't have any personal experience with this, I do hope any of our community members who do can chime in and share with you here.

    Also, I want to commend for you deciding to reach out to the IBD clinic to further investigate. Good for you for being your own advocate to get answers. Please, if you're comfortable, keep us posted with how things go with the IBD clinic and what you find out. And don't hesitate to reach out here anytime.

    Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. that is such good news that you were able to be accepted to the IBD center, although frustrating, I imagine, to know you have to wait for October for the first appointment. Do they have a cancellation list they can put you in case something becomes available earlier? I'm crossing my fingers that this continues to move in the right direction and you can get some answers. And yes, there are lot of different ways that an inflammatory bowel disease can be diagnosed, you definitely wouldn't be the only one who found the colonoscopy to miss it. Please know that our community is here for you, and reach out anytime. And, as I said before, if you're comfortable, please keep us posted. I'm really hoping that you get some answers and on the path of relief quickly! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Hi . Let me echo Christine in saying it is great that you have an appointment and also that we have had community members have success getting appointments moved up with the cancellation lists. Also, she mentioned that a colonoscopy can miss IBD. This article from our editorial team discusses just this topic: In conjunction with that I want to also share this article they did on the diagnostic process, which may come in handy for when you meet with the IBD Center: Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how things are going. Richard (Team Member)

  2. I had something similar but with inflammatory arthritis as well. My gastro was sure it was Crohns but a gastronomy was clear. A nutritionist found I have a histamine intolerance. My rheumatologist is prescribing Humira.

    1. Hi . So glad that you found some answers. Also, I don't know if you are aware that we have a sister-site for rheumatoid arthritis at Full disclosure - my wife, Kelly, is a contributor there. She was diagnosed at age two, 45 years ago, so autoimmune arthritic conditions are something I'm quite familiar with. Wishing you the best, Richard (Team Member)

    2. Many in the community have found Humira to be the drug to get them into remission. I wish you the best. What did your nutritionist suggest for the histamine intolerance? -Elizabeth (team member)

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