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Art students with Crohn’s

Hello I am currently doing my last final project for college on Crohn’s Disease. I am looking to gather imagery and understanding from other people who go through what I go through.

If anyone would be willing to comment on this post describing how a flare up or any pains feel to you through shapes and colours even textures that would be amazing.

Thank you for your time.

  1. Hi this sounds very interesting! When I experience a flare up I interpret it as a curved and spiked shape in reds and pinks, imagine if a star was curved at it's points, that's how it feels to me.

    1. I would describe the pain as jagged, bumpy oozy with tones of read and orange.
      Good luck with your project!

      1. When I have a flare up I describe it as pressurised, spikey with the colours red

        1. Well described. -Elizabeth (team member)

      2. I love this idea @josiehunt07! When I experience a flare, I picture it bright orange (Similar to the "Code Orange" Mortrin commercials that used to run haha) and all kinds of chains tying my stomach together. Hope this helps!

        --Julie (Team Member)

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