I’m 29 and since November I have had loose stools every morning a number of times a day. Thinking it was just my IBS I called the GP in December to go back on medication (I hadn’t flared this bad since the birth of my child).
Had medication and not helping so I called again mid-end January and GP requested blood and stools. Stools came back with blood and 196 calprotectin levels so an urgent referral to gastro was done beginning of feb. Stools taken again for other bacteria present and came back negative.
Since then I’m still suffering, especially in the mornings and sometimes early hours, I struggle to leave the house for more than a couple of hours in fear of needing to go.
Anyway 2 weeks have now passed since referral and heard nothing, I have been chasing but no luck… I just wondered how long everyone waited for their colonoscopy. I just want it done so I can hopefully have some answers and start medication to help the flare. Thanks ☺️