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I am constantly tired even without a flare up. I'm permanently on iron tablets. Does anyone else experience this. I feel alone with this it's horrible

  1. Hi . You definitely are not alone in struggling with fatigue (if you like, take a look here to see some of the articles our health leaders have written on the topic: While iron levels are important and can certainly help with this aspect of colitis fatigue, there are, unfortunately, other causes of IBD fatigue. For example, the underlying inflammation in autoimmune conditions like IBD can cause fatigue (see:,creating%20high%20inflammation%20and%20fatigue.) and there is recent research finding that this inflammation may breach the blood-brain barrier and possibly contribute to fatigue and brain fog. Hopefully research such as this will lead to actual treatments for fatigue. I know this doesn't help in the here and now, but sometimes it is helpful to know that people are working on this. Hopefully information in the articles from our health leaders will give you information on how they deal with the fatigue. People here definitely understand and this community is here for you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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