I have UC for almost 30 years and have been able to manage it with Sulphasalizine and some use of topical enemas.(both steroid and non steroid) About 3 years ago, I started having strong flares and the anti inflammatories have stopped working. I started Humira and saw limited results, but had a lot of side effects, like congestion, fatigue, and Nausea. My Dr switched me to Entyvio and I have been on it for about 7 months and am still getting mixed results and still having the same symptoms as the Humira. I did do a dose of Prednisone, which worked with the Entyvio, but once I came of the Prednisone,(or reduced the amount) the symptoms came back and I am unsure what to do next. I am thinking of dropping the Entyvio and trying something else as I am getting little relief, but a lot of side effects. I am sometimes unsure with being on the anti-immune system infusions if the side effects are the UC or the meds. I am really frustrated and confused. Has anyone had similar experiences or offer any encouragement?