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Covid-era dental work

I take Humira for my Crohn's, which means I am immunocompromised and at high risk for severe Covid. Pre-covid, I went to the dentist every six months, like clockwork. But I haven't been since Covid started. I know dental care is important, so I brush and floss regularly. But is it enough for the time being? Having someone working in my mouth is risky these days. Even if the dentist and/or dental hygienist are healthy, how healthy were the patients before me? How clean is the equipment? I never gave it any thought before. Now it paralyzes me. How do you feel about it? Have you been to the dentist? Did you feel safe?

  1. I hear you. Your thoughts are totally valid. For me personally, I have been to the Dentist and many other doctor appointments throughout the pandemic. I've also had colonoscopies done. I have always felt safe. I think perhaps call your Dentist and let them know your concerns. I'm sure they would be happy to go over the safety precautions they take and that would probably be reassuring for you to hear. Don't feel paralyzed. Get information. With information you can make better decisions based on fact rather than assumption. So I think, perhaps call. See how they run things amidst the pandemic and then make your decision from there whether you would like to go in. I hope this helps some! Big hugs to you, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Like you, I have had other medical procedures (including a colonoscopy), but those visits felt safer. The dentist environment makes me nervous, especially because I am newly returned to Seattle and don't have an established dentist here. But you're right. I will call around and see who has good sanitation measures in place for people who are at higher risk. Thanks for the encouragement!

    2. Of course! That is what we are here for, always here to encourage and support. I truly think that would be the best thing, and you can gauge where you feel comfortable to go. And of course, if you don't feel ready, than that's okay to but at least you will have information to guide yourself with. Keep us posted! Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

  2. I actually had a lot of work done during the height of the pandemic, and my dentist was brilliant. You were blasted before you even walked through the door with a anti bac mist underneath an archway! They opened the door when you went in and out so you didn't touch the handle. I sat in the waiting room masked up, after having my temp taken. Whilst there I saw them clean all of the seats between visitors. The dentist had a proper mask on so he didn't breathe on me, and his assistant too! It was the place I felt the safest!
    I have read a lot of research papers throughout the course of the pandemic, to keep myself up to date, and those that I care about. Many of my friends take different medications you see. It is actually thought at this point, that corticosteroids are associated with more severe COVID-19 outcomes, while biologic medications are not. This was part of the SECURE-IBD database findings, if you want to look it up.
    - Sahara (team member)

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