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Diagnosis Worry

Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. Back in June I started with symptoms and which lasted nearly 4 weeks before I started to get an improvement. Since then, I have had stomach cramps on my upper left side, which is worse in the morning followed by loose bowel movements. In July I had a calprotectin result of 800 and since then I was on a waiting list for a colonoscopy. A calprotectin result recently was normal and the colon was clear on the recent test, but I am waiting result for biopsies. My worry is because I’ve waiting so long for the colonoscopy this will prevent me getting any answers on why I still get pain and symptoms. I’ve lost nearly 2 stone in weight and cannot gain weight regardless of what I eat. Anyone else have a similar experience? I’m worried they will palm me off. It’s worth noting there is family history of Colitis.

  1. Sorry to hear you're struggling but totally understand unfortunately. I am surprised your have to wait so long for a colonoscopy with a family history, normally when there is a family history, they put it as a priority. Do you have a gastroenterologist or was it the GP? I am thinking because most recent calprotectin was normal or low, that's why the wait. Maybe ask what can be done about the pain and symptoms while you are waiting.
    Let us know how you get on.
    Vern - IBD Team Member

    1. The low test was in November and the higher one was June/July. I only got the colonoscopy appointment by going to tie Dr and getting them to write again. I’m just worried that with the colonoscopy being clear they will just discharge me. Although I am hoping the biopsies show something. Where I am getting the pain I think If I do have it it’s likely in the upper small intestines.

      1. Definitely a biopsy will give major insight. If you do feel like you have issues in the small bowel, I would suggest asking for a Pill Cam Test. A colonoscopy only shows a small portion of the small bowel. Pill Cam Test shows the small bowel in entirety. -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. I hear you. It's almost like you wish you can have the colonoscopy during symptoms so they can catch what ever is going on? I am not a doctor of course, I believe that regardless, if you had IBD of some sort, it would be seen in the colonoscopy. It wouldn't be something that goes away after symptoms occur. Of course, that is me thinking out loud. Are you able to phone your doctor and ask those questions? Or even speak with a nurse? It is definitely a good question and I'm sure they would be happy to give you info about it. -Elizabeth (team member)

      1. Yeah I will probably speak to my Dr again but will see what the biopsies show.

        1. That sounds like a good plan. Do keep us posted. I wish you the best. -Elizabeth (team member)

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