Hi guys. New here so will try to cut down my story so I don’t ramble on!! Basically I have had many symptoms of diarrhea, cramps, fatigue, frequent sudden urge to go and occasional blood in stool. Afteron and off nothing happening I’ve had 2 laparoscopy done and they found part of my caecum bowel is active and long. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and on the diagnosis feedback the doctor said I have indeterminate colitis. I had mild inflammation and he took around 5 biopsies of the caecum and ilieum area. So I went home realised and coming to terms that I have IBD... I was relieved in a way to finally get a diagnosis. Anyway. I had a follow up review today with a gastro doctor. Who didn’t know me up until today and basically told me I have IBS and that I need to see a dietician... I didn’t get a chance to explain that I sometime have blood in my stool or that I suffer with fatigue. Joint pain and sore eyes, which I know are other symptoms of IBD. Anyway what I’m asking is has anyone else been wrongly diagnosed, and also should I just believe the doctor from today or what?! I kind of believe the one who was actually inside my colon having the look!!! Feeling pretty low again not knowing what’s going on! Thanks!!