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Bowel irritable disease

I have digestive problems for 10 years already.
It started as an intolerance to meat and fried foods, especially with proteic ones.
I have done endoscopy (both of them), CT scans, MRI's and everything seems fine.
The only thing that was wrong in the studies is a slightly high level of bilirubin (this abnormal result came always like that) but the liver enzymes are well too.
Today is that im having trouble eating meat, I get diarrhea and the abdomen on the right side below the ribs swells and it hurts a lot, if I eat more meat or take some medication after that, I start vomiting and don't stop until I get injected with metoclopramide.
I would like to know if anyone else has had similar problems or have any suggestions.

  1. So sorry you are going through this. It sounds awful and painful. I haven't experienced this to this extent where I need to be injected with something to stop symptoms. However, I do have food intolerances that lead me to getting very sick and having symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and intense abdominal cramping. For me, I have to just stay away from those foods entirely. Sometimes if I do end up having an episode, I have to switch to a liquid diet to help me recover. Lots of bone broth, soup and smoothies. Does your reaction happen with red meat only or just all meat? -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi, thanks for reply, it seems to happen with all kind of meat and some medications and other foods too.
      i avoid eating meat but the symptoms are still present, not the vomiting but the pain in the upper right side in the abdomen and nausea are fluctuating depending on what i eat or if im nervous.
      i don't know what else can i do, the doctors said it's "functional digestive problem" and "go to a teraphy".
      The issue is that im actually going to therapy but she said that i should do more medical studies.
      Do you have a pronostic of what you have or are in the same situation as me ?
      If you can guide me what others studies i can do will be of great help.

      1. I wish I had more answers for you. All I can say is when you seem to get no where, go to a different avenue until you get answers. For example, I had these symptoms and after years of dealing with it and getting no where with my GI docs, I decided to see a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. That's when things changed for me. I went on a diet change, started taking probiotics, started using essential oils, exercise, meditation, and other supplementation to help with gut healing. I started to heal and improve only then. Maybe look into seeing someone like this? Bottom line is, something is going on in your body and your current team is unable to diagnose correctly, so change your team ♡ Google to see if there is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in your area. I hope this helps? Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

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