I have suffered for 2 and a half years with watery sometimes bloody diarrhoea. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (On Humira for 15 years now) plus a family history of Crohns. The GI has ruled out Crohns due to clear colonoscopy and biopsies back in November, although these were incomplete biopsies and have been told I may need another colonoscopy for completion. Precious history of fistula requiring 5 years and 6 procedures of corrective surgery. Diagnosed IBS 15+ years ago.
Doesn't seem to matter what I eat or don't eat, I have urgency and often wake at night needing to use the toilet quickly. I've cut out spicy foods and dairy, increased soluble fibre from oats, even tried the wallpaper paste type additive Silica gel 🙃
No idea if and when I might get another gastro appointment so I just feel left in limbo. I can't work, can't go out, can't eat anything without discomfort, have no energy and most upsetting, I can't be the active parent I want to be.
Any light anywhere please?