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how does it seem to you please

HI,Im new to this group and my 8 year old is going for colonoscopy and endoscopy in 2 weeks to confirm diagnosis. I am so confused and scared. Her symptoms started or I noticed about 2 months ago. She had loose .mushy ,diarrhea. Her bowl movement is once sometimes twice a day. there were days she go every other day. Sometimes she went and needed to go back to finish it. She sometimes complained her stomach hurts, but that is only before she goes poop. After she was done no more pain. She eats and drink everything, she is very active. We started probiotic and seems she is having solid stool back again. Doctor ran all the blood and stool test and this are the findings
WBC 12.9 little high
hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, MCHV low
IgA 321 normal range 51-220
CRP 49 normal range 0-9
occult blood fecal positive
H pylori negative
parasites, bacteria, viruses GI panel not detected
c difficile toxin negative
endomysial antibody IgA negative
How does this seem to you? Last week she goes poop once sometimes twice a day and has normal solid stool and no pain at all. I am confused now what shuld I do.
thank you

  1. Hi . Your concerns are certainly understandable, as we know it is not easy to the parent of a child experiencing these issues. First, let me say that it is good that you are takings steps to get tests and see specialists, all towards getting a proper diagnosis. I need to stress that we are not medical professionals and, for your protection, cannot provide medical advice over the internet. Some of the high test results can be indicative of an autoimmune GI condition, but there are also other potential explanations. It is great to hear that the steps taken so far seem to be helping. I do want to share with you this article from our contributor Jennifer on preparing a child for a colonoscopy: Also, this article may still be a little premature, but Jennifer also wrote this article on getting a diagnosis for a child: Hope this information is helpful and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how things are going and to ask additional questions. Wishing you and your daughter the best. Richard (Team Member)

    1. Could food allergies cause calprotectin this high? let's say hypotetically she has dairy intolerance. cauld this be cause?

      1. Hi . All of the research I have seen is in relation to fecal calprotectin levels being used to monitor infant milk protein allergies (see this for example: of course, does not mean that it is not possible or that there is not other research. This may be a good question for you ask an allergist if you see one. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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