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How is everyone doing during quarentine?

I am lucky enough to still be working full time during this crazy time and have access to
Proper p.p.e. I am very grateful for that, as I have seen my family members bored to near insanity when their workplaces had to close for a while. However, at my workplace, we have been producing and stock piling so much product that most of us are exhausted. Between the hustle and bustle at work, IBD symptoms, and extra anxiety, I am just drained! I am still trying to find fun things to do on the weekends but sometimes I am way too fatigued.
How is everyone else doing? Does anyone have any coping strategies ?

  1. It's great to hear from you ! We're glad that you're still able to work during this time and keep yourself busy, but I can imagine that your exhaustion has been at a different level. I, too, am finding the normal things I used to always do before this quarantine, like work, to be extra tiring because of this anxiety that I think many of us are experiencing. So you are absolutely not alone in this, and I hope that others in the community are able to chime in on what's been helping them cope with this. Personally, I've been doing a lot of reading when I have free time but am too fatigued to do a fun thing- it's helped me feel like I'm still enjoying my time while also resting my body. Please know that our community is always here for you, and we are all in this together. Warmly, Ashley (IBD Team Member)

    1. Hey !
      I also feel very lucky that I can continue to work at the moment, but I work from home anyway, so no PPE needed!
      I am feeling extra-tired myself, too. I think it may be the psychological impact of the virus as much as anything else for me!
      I have taken up yoga and have been taking walks in the sunshine with my dogs, which has pretty much kept me sane! Plus, just checking in with friends and family and the IBD community online makes me feel less isolated.
      If you're super tired, listen to your body and rest. There's nothing wrong with a movie marathon being your only plan at the weekend!
      Sending gentle hugs.
      - Sahara (team member)

      1. Thank you both for sharing, for the advice, and the positive thoughts! I tried to reply sooner but found myself lacking the energy to do much of anything after a long shift. I am on the mend from a flare that has left me very dehydrated and feeling just blah. It has been a hectic week for me and well, for everyone else too as our world is hurting in many ways right now. My guts and I haven't been on the same page for a bit until today. I'm glad my guts agreed with me and I was able to attend the peaceful demonstration for social justice in my home town today.
        I hope you are staying safe and feeling well! I am going to rest for a bit now.

        positive and healing vibes
        --- Poonicorn

    2. Hi ,

      Today is day 120 of my quarantine - which feels really overwhelming to say outloud! I think I've been finding my new normal. My most recent challenge has been that my Crohn's disease is flaring, and getting care and tests coordinated outpatient during COVID has been extra challenging.

      How are you doing? What's keeping you smiling these days?

      Amanda (team member)

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