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IBS or abdominal pain with Xeljanz?

I am 67 and have been taking Xeljanz for about 2 years. I have RA and ulcerative colitis. My UC has been in remission for about 7 years. I have been having what my GI doctor thinks is IBS. I have been nearly debilitated by lower abdominal pain. Taking dicyclomine 4 times a day helps somewhat. Has anyone else developed IBS after starting or after taking Xeljanz for a period of time? I saw there currently is a study showing an increased incidence of IBS in people, especially women over the age of 60, who are taking Xeljanz.

  1. I have been on Xeljanz for just over two years. I have had moments of intense urgency but I get that way with my Crohn's flares. Overall, I have been improving and the urgency has decreased. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. Does your doctor suggest something to help? Look into Psyllium Husk. Maybe it could help you. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. it's not uncommon for people with a form of IBD to have IBS as well. It could be a mere coincidence that they were told they had IBS following starting Xeljanz. I take Buscopan (I'm in the UK) 4 times a day which helps a lot. And actually, some of my abdominal pain was caused by acid, so now I take Omeprazole AND Buscopan (both on prescription) I feel a lot better!
      - Sahara (team member)

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