I am so sorry you are going through this . Have you spoken to your doctor about your concerns? There are so many options with treatment nowadays. If you failed Remicade, there are other biologics you can try if your doctor thinks it would be best. I know when I failed Remicade, my doctor had me try many other biologics until it worked. I am now on Stelara.
Here is a link to treatments and medications. https://inflammatoryboweldisease.net/treatment/medications/
Read it over and perhaps discuss this with your doctor and press for trying other medications.
Also, diet is a huge game changer. Have you tried avoiding all dairy, grains and process sugars? It may also benefit you to take a probiotic to boost the good bacteria in your gut. I take probiotics religiously.
Lastly, I've been there. At my worst flare, I truly thought I would lose my life. For the first time ever, I thought my body was starting to shut down. I was wrong. Your body is so much stronger than you think. You may be missing intestine, but your body is the most incredible machine, and it will thrive as long as you give it the right tools. Don't lose hope. Talk to your doctor, research on your own and don't lose the will to fight for a treatment that works for you.
You have a community here that will support you always. Please reach out if you ever need to talk or have questions or need advice.
I hope this helps some. Press on, warrior! You will get through this!
Always dancing,
Elizabeth (team member)