Seeking Advice / Experiences
Hey everyone, I am looking for some advice or experiences of others. I need a community who understands.
Long story short, I am a 27 year old male. Never had an issue with bowl movements or any stomach pain until my senior year of high school (2015). I then developed a constant urge to use the restroom and loose stools.
Fast forward to now, my doctor for a long time told me it was anxiety. I got tired of that answer and found a new doctor. She did a pretty comprehensive stool test. The biggest concerns were the following
Lactoferrin 14.3 (should be 7.3)
Lysozyme 1350 (should be under 500)
Secretory IGA 351 (should be 275 max)
According to the test, I have major inflammation.
I feel like my life has been turned upside down. Feel like I can’t travel, and I am anxious about where the restrooms are.
Constant urge to use the bathroom. Nervousness makes it worse. I do have eczema, but recently developed white patches of hairs on my head and white patches of skin due to inflammation and scaring. Fatigued most of the days….
I have a consolation next week for a endoscopy and colonoscopy. My grandma had autoimmune issues and either had Crohn’s or UC.
Anyone else have these symptoms?…. I really hope I can get answers…. I’m tired of not having control of my life.