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Compatibility Ulcerative colitis and méthyl-sulfonyl-methane/ Quercetin

Hi, I'm looking for other approaches . I can’t stand conventional treatments. I'm very responsive UC since 30 years, diet without
residues, I may reintroduce some otherfood
and I’m on a diet gluten free since 10 years. since three years ago, I take l -glutamine, selenium, magnesium ,morrue liver oil, n-acetyl cystein. But is notenough against allergy.To this adds sensitivity
towards toxic particles in in air,in food, hygienic product.

Has someone hasalready taken methyl-sulphonyl-methane ( MSM), or Quercetin, I am worried of eventual downside effects, hemorrhagic, pain ...

Apologies for my poor english. Thank you for your answers.

  1. I take quercetin daily. It gives me zero side effects and I can be very sensitive to things. I hope this helps some? Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Oh thanks Elizabeth, I' m reassured! Could I ask you which brand do you use? Big Hugs, Magalie

      1. I use a brand called Immune C. It had a bunch of other things in it like vitamin c, zinc etc. And also the quercetin. -Elizabeth (team member)

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