Oh, wow! This is good information to know! Yeah...those of us with IBD definitely wouldn't want to overdo it. We have enough gas, bloating, and discomfort as it is! Ha Ha! I agree with you, though, that eating healthy is important. Cutting corners never helps anyone--especially with IBD. I doubt that I will try kombucha and ginger--mainly because I definitely don't like the taste of ginger, but if it helps someone else, then I'm all for it. It's strange with Crohn's and UC how what works for one might not work for another. I remember once (years ago) trying aloe vera in liquid form. I read somewhere that it helps soothe the digestive system, and I thought I'd give it a go. Well, it sent me into a flare after drinking it for about a week. So, the remaining jug of aloe vera liquid sat in my refrigerator for a good year before I finally threw it out. But some people with IBD swear by it! So, who knows? My body just said, "No way. Don't do that again," and I never did. But that's what I like about this community forum: people share ideas and sometimes it works. So, when I'm down and out in a flare, I'm willing to try anything. In the end, if kombucha and ginger work for you, then keep at it. That's what matters. Thank you so much for sharing your idea! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sincerely--Traci (UC-IBD Team Member)