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I have issues with internal inflammation
. It is partly my gut but not just...I also have a burning feeling inside, all over...feels like judt under the skin.

I don't have great digestion as I have lost half a metre of bowel because of ischaemia damage.

Just wondering where to start, what conditions it could be, what could be causing it, how to treat it.

  1. Hello and welcome to the community.

    I am really sorry that you are experiencing these systems. I think the first place to start would be to see your PCP and get a referral to a Gastroenterologist. Explain your symptoms and ask for testing.

    Here is an informative article that goes over diagnostic testing and procedures for Inflammatory Bowel Disease:

    I would discuss these tests with your doctor and ask for testing so you can begin to rule out possibilities.

    Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Here for support.

    -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi . On top of the excellent information from Elizabeth, I want to note that the burning feeling just under the skin that you describe can be caused by autoimmune inflammation - IBD is autoimmune and, if were not the IBD, some other autoimmune condition could be responsible (they love to piggyback on each other). There are also other potential causes - all the more reason for the testing Elizabeth mentioned. Hoping you can get some answers and relief soon and please feel free to keep us posted on how things are going. Best, Richard (Team Member)

      1. Thanks for the replies. As Richard implied, I have some IBD but also probably a bigger issue with systemic inflammation.

        The purpose of joining this forum was to get a handle on how to approach my doctor.

        Aside from the useful info on tests for IBD, what sort of tests are there for a possible autoimmune condition?

        1. Hi . This is a great question. Autoimmune conditions can be difficult to diagnose and the process different for each one. My wife, Kelly, was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at age two, 45 years ago and a rare form of psoriasis just a few years ago. They were different and neither easy. One thing in common is the inflammation and there are tests for this, such as CRP. There are also Antinuclear antibody (ANA) tests and complete blood count tests. None of these, however, are definitive of a particular condition without other diagnostics for the condition. Fibromyalgia is one that fits some of what you previously mentioned and I do want to share this article from Jenna on the potential connection to IBD: I know this information doesn't really narrow it down for you, but hope it is helpful. Best, Richard (Team Member)

        2. I second what Richard said. Each condition warrants its own individual testing and all are different. For me personally, I was diagnosed by having blood tests and a colonoscopy with biopsies. -Elizabeth (team member)

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