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Nodule in colon

I have chronhs disease and on inflixmab drug fpr some time. I have inflamation in terminal ileuem and ascending colon. Recent mri shows imflammation, but also a small nodule in ascending colon which is indetermine.

Google, making me go abit crazy with searching about this. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thank you jay

  1. Google can drive you mad and think you are dying. So at least you know you aren't alone in that, I've been there.

    Make sure you have a diligent and detailed conversation about this nodule with your doctor. Write all your questions down before you call/meet so you don't forget anything. Ask all the scary questions to him/her.

    But if they saw the nodule and haven't mentioned anything to you about removal or surgery etc asap, that's a good sign. If you feel like you want it removed and doctors don't seem worried however, you can absolutely push for removal.

    I had nodules years ago, and they were all removed even though none were cancerous or dangerous.

    -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I do have a meeting next week, combined clinic regarding pros and cons of surgical resection versus continuing infliximab. That whats been suggested in multidisciplinary meeting they had.

      Small nodule near ascending colon which is inderterminate, recommendation is to repeat the mri scan in 3 months.

      So not sure of this.

      1. Thank you for coming back to me on previous post

        1. You are so welcome. I know it can all be so overwhelming. Definitely take your time in making a decision. Do research. Are you not sure about waiting 3 months for the nodule MRI scan? If so, bring it up with your doctor and tell them you want another option. -Elizabeth (team member)

      2. Hi . I can't personally speak to this issue, but I did find this Q&A with a doctor at Johns Hopkins where they noted that "Usually when colon cancer is present, there is a large lesion or a large mass in a lesion. If your colonoscopy shows a few nodules, the risk of the nodules being cancerous is very small:" I thought this might ease your mind a little. Hope your upcoming meeting goes well and please feel free to keep us posted on how things are going. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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