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Pregnancy and bowel strictures


Advice please! I’m very conflicted in what to do.

I’m 34 years old, who would love to start trying for my second baby. Reassuring my first pregnancy was great.
Since my first pregnancy, I’ve developed a number of intestinal strictures (fibrotic) My consultant advised surgery before pregnancy, but was unsure of how to answer my question regarding safety, which left me confused. I have an appointment with the surgeon to discuss further but would love to hear stories, experiences. The surgery would require a temporary illostomy bag which would stop me from having trying for a baby for while after the surgery. I’m conscious of my age and timing, but don’t want to go into pregnancy with risks. What should I do?
Feeling very upset about it all, and wishing there was an easy option.
Thanks for any replies in advance.

  1. Hi . Your concerns about pregnancy in relation to strictures or following surgery are certainly understandable. Our contributor Jenna wrote this article on Crohn's and pregnancy where she recounts the experience of several different women: These stories aren't quite on point, but you are not alone. I also found this site on IBD surgery and fertility, which seems to indicate the the surgeries generally do not interfere with fertility: I also found this pregnancy fact sheet from the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation: I hope this information is helpful, but I also know that it does not get to the heart of you concerns. Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts and experiences. Also, hope the surgeon has some information for you. Please don't hesitate to also ask for a second opinion if you don't feel your questions were sufficiently answered. Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Hi , I wish I had some more information for you as your concerns and questions are understandable. Hopefully some of the information Richard shared with you was helpful, and some more of our community members can chime in here.

      While everyone's experience is different, and having a conversation with your own doctor important, I was able to also find this article from one of our advocates about pregnancy after surgery, I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're wondering about, but I wanted to share it with you just in case.

      Have you been able to have a conversation with your surgeon yet? Please know that we are thinking of you and here for you. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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