I had a Panproctocolectomy 15yrs ago and have had phantom pain sometimes, which usually went away if I went and sat on the loo, but 2 weeks ago I've had this real pressure in my rectum and it's so uncomfortable. Does anyone know what this could be?
Pam.Jajko Community Admin
Last Updated:
Thank you for your question – I hope you will receive some answers from our community members and please let us know what you find out as well! In the meantime, here is an article from one of our advocates that you might relate to and you might find insightful.
Hoping you experience some relief soon.
– Pam (InflammatoryBowelDisease.net Team Member)
Brooke Abbott Member
Last Updated:
I had a colectomy about 6 years ago. Every now and again I will get pressure or if I'm inflamed with another disease flare up or a pouchitis flare, I may get it. It's very strange indeed, but if it persists, you should go see your GI.
-Brooke inflammatoryboweldisease.net Team Member
Marisa Lauren Troy Member
Last Updated:
Hi there! I also deal with phantom rectum since having my colon, rectum and anus removed. I find it occurs a lot when I am anxious or have specific pains but it can be random for me as well. I know it isn't talked about much but I believe it is pretty "normal." However, if it is really bothering you, I do agree with Brooke in that it might not be a bad idea to see your GI if things continue. Thinking about you! ~Marisa