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Has anyone ever had a CT scan that showed their lymph nodes in their rectum were swollen?

Warning long post** I'm a 31 almost 32 year old female. Back in my mid twenties I started suffering from blood and mucus in my stools, nausea, a weird feeling in my upper left abdomen, and CANKER SORES! Lots and lots of canker sores! Finally in 2018 after a lot of courage and time spent in prayer, I sought medical attention. Bloodwork and stool samples started the journey and all came back normal. I then had a colonoscopy and at that time biopsies were done as well. My GI Doctor at the time told me I needed to go on a LOW FODMAP diet and the only findings was a tortuous colon but that wasn't the issue.

"All is good", they said
From there I had a barium swallow done, nothing. My bowels moved just fine and all was good they said. His last procedure in the fall of 2019 was the pill camera, still NOTHING! He chalked it all up to IBS and offered butt lube to help with the pain from my stools. I refused to pick it up and cringed as I paid those medical bills. I then began to look at what I was eating. Which to be honest was/is fairly healthy. I'm 5'2'' and weigh 115 pounds, I've always been fairly disciplined in what I eat. I did however find that some foods did trigger the canker sores, such as spinach and tomatoes/red sauce etc. So I stopped eating them and continued to dive in to finding other foods that were upsetting my body.

I avoid acidic foods as much as I can and I limited my alcohol consumption. I even bought an alkaline water filter to keep my body at the perfect PH. On paper I was/am doing everything right. Yet the blood and mucus has only gotten worse! The stools that were once normal had turned into little turds and then now diarrhea with all the blood and mucus present, EVERY SINGLE POOP. So I did my research and found a new GI Doctor that was affiliated with a different hospital. I have since gotten my blood work done. They checked my liver, pancreas, CBC, and a ton of other stuff, all came back normal.

Swollen lymph nodes?
Last week I went for a CT scan and they found what appears to be an air pocket in my stomach and swollen rectal lymph nodes. Has anyone ever had a CT scan that showed their lymph nodes in their rectum were swollen? On Monday I have an appointment with my Gyno for an ultrasound as the swollen rectal lymph nodes could indicate infection, virus, or even cancer. She doesn't believe it to be cancer but Google has me thinking it could be.

I had thought that cancer would show up on a CT scan or blood work, but I guess not. When I typed in "anal cancer" it says 90% of cases come from HPV. I've always had normal paps but I guess they don't check for HPV until you are 31, or at least my doctor never did. I had the vaccines for HPV but still you just never know with all the strands out there and it is said that 80% of the population has it.

If anyone is suffering from HPV, I did learn that AHCC can help it. SUPER EXPENSIVE but look it up and read the testimonies. So needless to say I started taking that a few days ago. At this point all I can do now is rest in God's word and pray He is at work for me, as I know He is. Praying for everyone on here as well.

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