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Ulcerative colitis black blood in stool

Hi I was just wondering if it’s normal to have black blood in your stool from colitys

  1. Hi Blood in your stool can be an indication of your IBD and I've been told that the darker the blood the further inside it is. For example, bright red usually indicates something nearer the surface, like hemorrhoids, but further inside can be a sign of something serious or just an ulcer forming over top of a blood vessel. Because it's dark, it can be in your stomach or small intestine.
    I would see your doctor.
    Let us know how you get on
    Vern - IBD Team Member

    1. If you are experiencing such issue, my recommendation is that you visit a medical professional as soon as possible and begin your therapy. Because there are times when it is normal and other times when it is not. They make the pretext that they have haemorrhoids or some other condition.

      1. Hey ,

        I’m having the same symptoms, only my blood is a bit more bright. Dull-to-Extreme discomfort 5-15 times a day with diarrhea each time.

        My GI Doc put me on Budesonide, 9mg a day. Plus Mesalamine orally and enema. It helped the first two weeks then has gone into a real flare.

        They just switched me to Predisone 40mg. Their hope is that it will push me into remission and stop the bleeding. I’ll let you know how the next days go on this.

        It seems like this is the norm during a flare.

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