Wondering if anyone diagnosed with u.p has had a flare and had black stools. Usually only associate symptoms with bright red blood and mucus. Any ideas?
thedancingcrohnie Moderator & Contributor
Typically black stool means there is blood coming from higher up, like the small intestines. I would let your doctor know asap and get imaging done to find the root of the bleeding. Most likely a Pill Cam Test. Are you in pain? -Elizabeth (team member)
LisaRinna Member
thank you so much for the reply. Lower back pain and some left sided pain. I've just left a fecal sample off to gp and restarted pentassa and octassa. Hopefully it will make a difference. I must look up the camera test you mentioned. I am hoping to avoid any testing as you can imagine.
thedancingcrohnie Moderator & Contributor
If your colonoscopy came back normal definitely ask for the Pill Cam Test. It's so important you know why this is happening. Big hugs. I hope you feel better soon! -Elizabeth (team member)
LisaRinna Member
Been diagnosed with u.p for 7 years after initial colonoscopy. Turning 40 soon and this is my first flare. Haven't had any meds in almost 3 years. Been very well up until now. Hopefully will avoid any further colonoscopy. Hopefully the u.p has not spread. Although I am worried as it feels different this time. On meds for 8 weeks then a review. Will they repeat fecal calprotectin at this point or just go by a verbal report of symptom reduction or increase?