We know everyone is different when it comes to IBD and diet, but it might be helpful to hear what helps others! What are some of your go-to "safe foods" that you know when all else fails, you can at least eat these and still feel well?
My most recent flare I felt as though no food was safe and that maybe I was allergic to food? That is the most frustrating thing about IBD, there is no true consistent.
Brandi Maddox Member
had to leave deep fry foods and process foods alone what sit my flare ups
Julie Marie Palumbo Moderator & Contributor
@brandimaddox I also avoid fried foods, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Thanks for sharing!
--Julie (Team Member)
CM van Kampen Member
Bone broth, preferably chicken. Soft carrots, cauliflower, celery, zucchini...and then I add cubes of cheese, in hopes it will plug me up. But I haven't had to do this in a long time. There was, however, a point where I lived on it. = )
CM van Kampen Member
no, I don't have fatigue. I have to severely limit sugar and most grains except rice. But even on Remicaide and Humira I had to do that. So being on LDN I have the most energy and endorphins. I'm happy to share more but maybe email me. It's iamnotcathy as one word, then the at symbol, then dot ca at the end. It will autofill to dot com, but I'm in Canada.
StephH Member
where in canada I'm in alberta
amalmehboob Member
Hello! In my case, wheat is the main culprit. When I avoid wheat, I don't experience flares but abdominal discomfort is always there.
Sahara Fleetwood-Beresford Moderator & Contributor
low residue generally! Flare often coincides with chronic fatigue, so it can mean I can't really bothered to cook either, so simple things like noodles, sandwiches, and low fibre cereals end up being a staple! ~ Sahara (team member)