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What are your go-to "safe" food ideas?

We know everyone is different when it comes to IBD and diet, but it might be helpful to hear what helps others! What are some of your go-to "safe foods" that you know when all else fails, you can at least eat these and still feel well?

  1. My most recent flare I felt as though no food was safe and that maybe I was allergic to food? That is the most frustrating thing about IBD, there is no true consistent.

    1. I feel the same way. I can eat something as simple as mashed potatoes today, and be fine. I can then try them again and have a flareup. It feels like an insanity disease, because you start to feel nuts. I constantly am afraid of food. Doctor says im obese but malnourished. It really is debilitating in lots of ways. From nit being able to leave the house to not being able to go to functions with food or out to eat.

    2. That sounds incredibly discouraging, and frustrating, ! I am so sorry that you, too, are dealing with the constant inconsistency of "safe" foods. The way you describe it as an 'insanity' disease is something I think a lot of community members here can relate to. Has your doctor recommended anything to help with the malnourishment? Have you ever seen a dietician? I know some of our community members have found these specialists helpful in helping manage their nourishment/diet.

      I'm sharing a link to an article with more information on dietitians that includes a link to a list of registered dietitians that you can filter by state, etc, I'm also including a link to an article our editorial team put together about malnourishment, that you might find helpful.

      I do hope that you are getting some support from your medical providers, but please know that our community is here for you also! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

  2. Bone broth, preferably chicken. Soft carrots, cauliflower, celery, zucchini...and then I add cubes of cheese, in hopes it will plug me up. But I haven't had to do this in a long time. There was, however, a point where I lived on it. = )

    1. where in canada I'm in alberta

    2. I am also in Alberta.

  3. Hello! In my case, wheat is the main culprit. When I avoid wheat, I don't experience flares but abdominal discomfort is always there.

    1. low residue generally! Flare often coincides with chronic fatigue, so it can mean I can't really bothered to cook either, so simple things like noodles, sandwiches, and low fibre cereals end up being a staple!
      ~ Sahara (team member)

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