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What foods soothe the Crohn's body?

On June 12 Traci music is harder wrote about her stress. She says to "grab foods that tame your colitis or Crohn's dragon." What foods does she recommend? Lately I just don't know what they might be. I am ready to live on rice & toast.

  1. Hi . I'm tagging so that she can offer her thoughts. I will note that go-to foods can differ for each individual. For example, Traci wrote this article on nachos being her comfort food, even though she knows others may find this odd: Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts and I also recommend using the search function at the top left to look for "comfort food" to see what some others note. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Hi , in addition to the information Richard shared, I wanted to link a couple of articles. This one was written by our advocate, Kelly, with some of her tips on food and inflammatory bowel disease,, and this one, Jenna wrote about the foods that she turns to when she doesn't feel like eating at all, I'm hoping these articles (in addition to the information from Richard), can give you a starting point. I know a lot of community members here can relate to your feelings, and hopefully some of them can chime in and share the foods they find helpful. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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