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What next after Biologics not working.

Hello all.
I've seen this site and how supportive you all seem.

I'm looking for some advice.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in April last year after some severe weight loss and symptoms.
In the past year i have exhausted all medication and had my 3rd Imixiflab infusion 2 weeks ago.

Over the past year the only consistent meds that have brought my symptoms under control have been Prednisone steroids!
However, whenever my dose is reduced to around 20mg my symptoms flare again.

I am currently Shielding because of Coronavirus but on Monday I was admitted to hospital due to a bad flare up. I was down to the 20mg of my Steroids.

After undergoing a number of tests, it turns out my inflamation marker was at 9000 where it should have been 300!.

My specialist has now once again upped my steroids up to 40mg to get my symtoms under control. She said that if the Coronavirus situation wasnt here, i would have had to remain in hospital to have steroids intravenously.

Im worried now that Biologics arent working and i dont know what is next. Im scared in case of surgery 😕

Does anybody have any advice or ideas of what is likely to come next after Imixiflab?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you can help.

  1. Hi , Thank you so much for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear that you're having such worries. You aren't alone in wondering, "what if my biologics stop working? what's next?". There are many people here who understand! I'm hoping some of our advocates or community members will weigh in with further insights, but for now, I wanted to share this forum discussion with you where community members discuss their troubles with biologics, . I hope this helps to give you some information. I'm sure you have already, but please do be sure to reach out to your doctor to discuss all of your concerns, fears and options. Please know we're here for you and thinking of you, too! Keep us updated on how you're doing <3 - Pam (team member)

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