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What to do while waiting for a colonoscopy and results

My 34-y.o. daughter has all the symptoms of UC but has not yet been diagnosed. However, it may be awhile before she gets the colonoscopy results —2-4 weeks and to know for sure. She’s trying to eat low fiber, no dairy—basically the Fodmap diet that one of the several practitioners she saw suggested. But is there anything else she can be doing to bring down the inflammation in the meantime?

  1. Sorry to hear that your daughter is presenting with UC. I find that diet is a huge key to managing symptoms. I would suggest eating mostly organic. Steam all veggies. Fish is always a good idea. No soda, processed sugar, or processed foods in general. I find that staying away from wheat is helpful too. Probiotics daily help me a ton. Eating prebiotic foods. I take L-Glutamine which has been so helpful. Ask her doctor about it. Also Sea moss is wonderful aid for digestion. You put it in smoothies and can't even taste it. Aloe vera juice is great too. -Elizabeth (team member)

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