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Blood in stool... no other symptoms!?

Hi Guys, So I’ve been okay for a little while *touch wood* & today I’ve been to the toilet more (around 5 times) all have been loose and just now when I looked there was fresh blood in the stool. Now apart from a teeeeny cramp before going, I haven’t had any other symptoms. Is this normal? Am I to expect a flare up to come afterwards? I’m a newbie diagnosed so not sure!

  1. Hi ,

    I would definitely see a doctor. If you are ever seeing blood, it should never be taken lightly. I will say, from my personal experience, fresh blood usually means internal hemorrhoids. Your doctor can prescribe you something to help and I would also suggest checking your C-Reactive Protein levels to check on inflammation in the body.

    Deep breathes. It's better to be proactive and stay on top of symptoms, rather than wait for things to be severe. You already took a great step by reaching out.

    We are here for you! Wishing you the best!

    Always dancing,
    Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi megeliza,

      The first thing I tell people when they ask me about this same issue is not to panic! I'm just as guilty of asking it to my friends similar questions whenever having a bad week, because let's face it -- the idea of backsliding is scary, right?!

      I recommend a few things, first and foremost is sending a message over to your IBD doctor. Always. Even if it's nothing, you've communicated there's a shift in your symptoms. They may want to order labs - blood or fecal. Other things to consider mentioning in your message to your doctor is if your sleep has become interrupted, cold sweats, low grade fevers all week. Think of signs that inflammation may be picking up that need to be communciated with your specialist.

      Another important thing I recommend doing is keeping a journal of how many times a day you're going, the times specifically, foods (look to see if there is a trigger). There are also apps that help track all this information for you. The American Gastro Association has an IBD app that keeps track of all the symptoms we experience with IBD and can help you and your doctor spot trends. So cool.

      And along with not panicking, try to keep in mind that even those of us in the best of places with our IBD will have a bad few days, few weeks or few months here and there. My doctor and the doctors I've had the pleasure of watching speak at conferences have reminded me countless times that symptoms can happen even when in remission. (Maybe add this to your questions for your doctor.)

      Hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving, and get some answers soon! -- Holland, Team Member

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