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Crohns fistula’s and complications

Hi, I had a panproctocolectomy in May 2023 so everything removed and a permanent stoma. I’d had an internal pouch which never really worked and had developed lots of fistula’s. I had hoped that the surgery would see the end of fistula’s and all the pain and discharge that comes with them but unfortunately the situation has just gone gradually downhill. I’m currently on infliximab, fourth infusion later in July. I keep getting abscesses that build up and then burst becoming another fistula. Had loads of MRI scans, loads of visits to day consultations, loads of antibiotics but never any improvement. I’d really appreciate any positive good news stories from anyone who has been where I am. I know we’re all different but I need some encouragement and support to get through this. I have a great job, work really hard, very rarely have any time off. Nobody at work knows the pain I’m in, just feels like a constant struggle and need to know there might be light at the and of the tunnel!

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles with fistulas and abscesses, ❤️ While I personally have not incurred any fistuals with my Crohn's, I have had many abscesses which are often scary and painful.
    This article may help give you some tips with dealing with your fistula, and please feel free to reach out directly to the author, as you two may have a lot to share!

    --Julie (Team Member)

    1. I have had many. Ointment with lignocaine like an idol can help

      1. Hi , thanks so much for sharing what's been helpful for you for dealing with fistulas! Are these ointments that you get from your doctor or are you able to get them over the counter? We appreciate you sharing here! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. No

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