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Crohns flare up or Blockage

I have had 2 operations for crohns. I was nearly a goner with the first episode. This was back in 2017. I can't get in the doctors. Cant get hold of my specialist nurse due to covid. I'm experiencing very watery poo. The feeling inside my belly is like you've got an orange stuck there. I'm very tired, dehydrated and frightened. I haven't been sick nor feel sick just can't have a normal poo. Has anyone else experienced this and if so was it a blockage. When should I panic even more.

  1. Hi Joe, Sorry to hear this. Not sure where you are located. but if you are able to, I would recommend you reach out to this Doctor. I found him through a good search. I know sounds funny but the results, I assure you, are not funny.
    I have suffered through Ulcerative Colitis for nearly 10 years and I am very familiar with the feeling you mentioned above... but I am cured now.
    I understand there are a lot of scams online these days, but I am not asking for any money..
    I thought I had to live with this for the rest of my life but Thank God I found this doctor. Even if you have to travel, I would recommend you give him a try.
    feel free to message me and I'll try to answer any questions I can.

    1. Thanks seth I will look into it x

  2. Hi , I'm so sorry to hear how you're suffering. I know many people here can relate to what you're going through and feeling. Please know we're all here for you! Unfortunately fatigue is the number one symptom we hear of when it comes to Crohn's. I wanted to share some articles that I thought you could relate to: and and and

    I hope you're able to see your doctor soon to discuss your concerns. In the meantime, treat yourself well, try to drink plenty of fluids and try to rest up! - Pam (team member)

    1. Thank u pam. Always worrying x

      1. I have had many blockages and currently battling my worst one yet. Including fistulas and structure. The blockage pain will be unbearable! I would describe it as coming in waves of pain that will literally stop you in your tracks, can’t talk, can’t move, crippling pain. Like someone is taking a fruit baller to your intestines. Mines always accompanied by vomiting. That is when I head to the ER. I hope you can get into your doctor, although don’t wait if you believe you’re having a blockage. Best of luck, and I hope you find some relief soon.

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