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Feel swollen?

I’m awaiting colonoscopy for what I suspect is Chrohns. I’m just wondering if anyone else ever feels swollen inside their abdomen and to the side. (not quite where food sits after you eat). Not the same as feeling bloated like after a big meal (where you can feel the food taking up space) but swollen, like your own insides are taking up space. I know that sounds ridiculous but I can’t quite explain it another way!

  1. Hi, I’m also awaiting appointment for endoscopy and colonoscopy. This is the result from a stool test in which what ever they were testing for was showing as high, they says normal readings were 1-50, mines was in region of 300. Do you have sore sides, chest and some back pains? These are my symptoms although in my eyes they aren’t related to crohns. My chest feels swollen if you like, and my sides hurt at times, just looking to see if someone shares the same symptoms and if I should worry something more serious was happening....... they didn’t seem to in a rush to get me in for scans so I take that as a positive?? Any information would be appreciated.

    1. Hi ! Soreness and swolleness, chest pain, back pains, these are all common symptoms of IBD that many people here can relate to! I'm including some articles by our advocates who discuss their symptoms, as well as a forum full of symptoms that are discussed by our community members. I hope you find them helpful! Please keep us updated on how your Endoscopy and colonoscopy go. We're here for you!! - Pam (team member)

  2. Hi , thanks for reaching out! That doesn't sound ridiculous at all. Abdominal swelling can be a common symptom as IBD can cause inflammation of the digestive tract, which could be causing your swollen feelings. I'm attaching an article here that I think you might find helpful :

    Please let us know how your colonoscopy goes! And, please reach out anytime with any questions. We're here for you!! - Pam (team member)

    1. Thanks so much for replying. Since posting I have heard from the consultant who has noticed something unusual with my liver on my ct ( which has also shown bowel thickening). I have to have an urgent mri. I do have pain where my liver is and I’ve been scanned a few times for gall stones with nothing found. I was just wondering how this could tie in with bowel problems but maybe it all is linked after all.

      1. Your symptoms definitely do not sound crazy! I think we all feel that way about how to describe our pains or discomforts sometimes. If there is something wrong with your liver, they may do some tests to see your bile duct function. My GI had me sent for multiple ultrasounds of my gallbladder, a HIDA scan, an enzyme test, etc. just to rule out anything "extra" going on as there are so many other problems that can present with some of the same symptoms or worsen them if they are occurring at the same time. I am set to have my colonoscopy and endoscopy this week to get a good looksie as to how bad things have gotten on the inside and to take biopsies. Best of luck!

    2. Hi jsr, I have only just joined this group but totally understand your symptoms of feeling swollen. I am just waiting for my first consultants app in 2 weeks. I felt very swollen under my left rib cage, and felt pressure against my left hip. Everything just felt very congested! Can I ask if you got any further with your diagnosis? I hope you are feeling better now

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