Hi . Your frustration is certainly understandable. We are not medical professionals and, for your protection cannot give medical advice over the internet. I do want to share with you this article from one of our patient leaders on Crohn's and skin issues: https://inflammatoryboweldisease.net/living/crohns-and-skin-problems. Have you been seen by a dermatologist? I ask because my wife, Kelly, who was diagnosed with a severe form of a different autoimmune condition at age two, almost 45 years ago developed a terrible skin condition and infection and was hospitalized for several days. The other doctors; including the infectious disease specialist, an allergist, and rheumatologist, couldn't find a cause. She went to see a good dermatologist and he knew what it was instantly (in her case it was a rare form of psoriasis - another autoimmune condition), did a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, and started an effective treatment immediately. Of course, there is no guarantee and immediate answer would be forthcoming, but making sure you see all of the potential specialists might help. Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts and experiences. Wishing you the best and that you get some answers and relief soon. Richard (Team Member)