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Ibd flare up

Hello everyone ,

Would greatly appreciate some advice with ibd flare up , I was diagnosed with ibd in April after a colonoscopy, since I have had 2 flare ups , this one is ongoing unfortunately, mild constipation but a lot of bright blood in the stool , I’m drained energy wise , feel tired all the time , getting stressed and anxious constantly.

I’m trying meditation Pentasa (suppository )to help clear the inflammation , this was prescribed initially after the diagnosis, I’ll have to visit my doctor this week again . Find this all quite depressing . Would really appreciate any help on managing flares up and tips on preventing them .

I’m usually very active person , exercising 5 to 6 times a week , drinking lots of water , i take vitamins c , b12, D and magnesium every morning also have started including peppermint oil . I was going to try Bpc 157 peptide .

This is my first time posting on living with this condition, I think I was in denial.just to note I’m a 43yr old male .

Thanks you in advance for any feedback .

  1. Sorry for the bad news on the diagnosis but having said that, I've had it for 35 years and the one tip I could give is to keep a food/drink diary to track symptoms after eating and drinking. It is possible to figure out what food and drink can trigger symptoms thus knowing what to avoid. I can also mention that magnesium can cause abdominal issues like bloating and nausea.

    1. Hi , thank you for the reply and info , much appreciated. I will start the diary and plan on seeing a dietician. May I ask do you experience many flare ups after 35yrs of living with ibd .

  2. I’ve experienced many many flare ups over the years, some worse than others. Since 2020 I had ostomy surgery and haven’t had a flare since. I’ve been on biologics since 2012

    1. Hi , and welcome to the community! While I wish that you were struggling with IBD, it's great that you've found our community here, and I'm glad that Vern was already able to connect with you and comment on your post here.

      Being diagnosed with IBD can bring with a whole host of emotions, (certainly sometimes denial), as well as the physical symptoms. You are definitely not alone! Although I know April might not be considered "newly" diagnosed, I did want to share this article from one of our health leaders with her essential tips for those newly diagnosed, As well as this article from another health leader about how she's helped manage some of the mental and emotional aspects of IBD,

      I'm sorry to hear that you're in a flare right now, and I do hope that some more community members here can share their tips or tricks, but in the meantime I thought I'd share a few more articles with you about flares. This one includes some helpful items for flaring, And this one is from Vern, about his advice on flares (in his 35 years of experience),

      Also, please don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you're having new and/or worsening symptoms. And, as always, this community is here for you, so please reach out any time.

      Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

      Please read our rules before posting.