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In agony- at wits end

Hi all new here-
43 year old female. Last summer I started experiencing heartburn; I chalked it up to too much wine.

Started getting stomach cramps after I eat— not matter what. Cut out most dairy; made no difference
I’m too the point now that I can’t eat anything without being punished with severe cramps, bloating or diarrhea. Diarrhea is usually dark and “sandy looking”— I think there may be a little mucous as well.
Went to my PCP and she told me to drink less wine ( I have cut down) and gave me a breath test to rule out bacterial infection (that was negative)
What’s the next step? Do I need a referral to see a gastro specialist? Should I request an endoscopy?

I have lost 8 lbs in two weeks. I am getting a pelvic exam tomorrow to rule out issues with ovaries, etc.

Not sure what I’m showing symptoms of but I can’t continue to live off tums and spend hours a day in the bathroom

Thanks for any advice as I write this from the toilet 🙁

  1. Sorry you are going through all of this. I would suggest seeing a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. I see one in addition to my GI and PCP and I am so glad I do. He is amazing and practically fixes me every time with supplements and diet. Perhaps there is one in your area? You can just google to see. I hope this helps some. Hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi , I wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing! In my experience, a lot of PCPs are not familiar with digestive tract issues and will give you a band-aid solution instead of getting to the source of the issue. I would suggest (if you have not already) that you do get a referral to see a gastroenterologist. My hope would be that a GI would take this issue a little more seriously and want to do some scoping as well. Please let us know how you're doing! -Eshani (IBD Team Member)

      1. how are you doing? Did you get further tests carried out?
        - Sahara (team member)

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