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what is wrong with me 🥺

Hi All. hope you are all well.

I am 33 mother of 2 (3yrs and 5yrs) and previously diagnosed with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. i have had my colon removed 13/14 years ago. I still have my rectum with an ileoanal pouch.

since december 2020 i have been experiencing:

severe anal pain whilst passing stool (almost like i am passing glass!)
occasionally blood in toilet.
gassy cramps but i feel pain in my bottom when i have the cramps.
and most painful is the pain after having passed stool... i have a burning sensation and throbbing pain which can last up to 6 hours!! i cant stand for longer than a minute cos it triggers this pain and it worsens. i cant lay down straight either.
loss of appetite. probably cos I'm scared of pooping now.
weight loss ( 3kg in 6 months)
I had it bad in December 2020 when it lasted a month or 2. then in mid April. then in beginning May and now today i had a painful poop... so I'm scared its coming again.

It takes weeks to get better!

I went to see the doctor she couldn't do my checkup properly because i was very tender. she barely managed to do a finger exam. It was very painful!!

This is what she wrote in my report...

*Increased anal tone

*multiple ulcers and fissures

*ulcerated anal mucosa.

I don't wish this on anyone but has anyone experienced anything similar? Can anyone guide me... what is this? UC or Solitary Ulcer or something else.

Currently doing sit baths with lavender essential oil, using GTN cream and lignocaine.

Any advice and guidance is much appreciated.

thank you x

  1. I am so sorry to hear of your current ailments, @seela1109! It sounds like you are dealing with an anal fissure, and these articles may help shed some light on the causes and treatment.
    I hope you find some relief soon. Please keep us updated on your progress!
    --Julie (Team Member)

    1. What you are describing sounds like it could be pouchitis. Obviously, I am no doctor, so it's only a guess. I wrote a little about pouchitis in my article, What's a j-pouch failure?
      Whilst it's more common in people who have IBD, it can be a complication of the J-pouch in FAP.
      I notice it was quite a while ago when you posted, so do you have further news now?
      ~ Sahara (Team member)

      Please read our rules before posting.