Since I reached my seventies, what was a relatively stable Crohn's Disease period turned into dealing with new extra intestinal flare up symptoms, meaning inflammation of my eyes, partial loss of vision, food intolerance, and throat ulcerations.
The initial investigations for diagnosis leaned more strongly towards an age related problem than the IBD, with treatments of anti inflammatory medications, anti bacterial and viral pills, or simple cleansing. None of which had much success in the long term.
I have suffered from Crohn's since my teens. The knowledge of this disease has had an immense growth with much better understanding on how complex the presentations are, especially when the bowels are not involved. It is so important to keep in mind because as we know the treatment choices are more varied and effective from one person to another today.
My most reliable medication for Crohn's is Prednisone initially, with the fewest side effect or surgery. Efforts towards a healthier lifestyle with less stress also make a difference to reach a prolonged improvement.
My story is one to alert IBD patients to stay alert and be your own advocates in your senior years. There are so many of us, that when they see grey hair they are prone to make assumptions.