I have lived with chronic pain in my abdomen since I was about 13. I've been told many times I have IBS but today I saw my gastroenterologist and he said my symptoms sound like Crohn's disease. However, he was going to continue to treat me like I have IBS because I had a normal colonoscopy and biopsy. I have actually not had any problems with it for the past few weeks. When I do though it is enough to make me double over in pain. The doctor also brushed me off when I mentioned my stool color. He said that doesn't matter. From what I read about that, it means my stool is passing to quickly, too much bile. I take a lot of ibuprofen because of my joint pain/body aches. So I'm just wondering if I need a second opinion, because he didn't diagnose me with anything besides ibs? Or is the biopsy definitive?