I've had symptoms for years but it wasn't anything chronic. Every once in a while since I had my last son in 2006. He was a c-section so I thought that maybe they didn't put everything back correctly. They did.
It started getting worse the last 5 years. Most of the time it's a "normal" diarrhea. Lately, it's been completely liquid. Nothing solid whatsoever. Today I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes since 5 am.
The only cramping I ever had was when I was getting my period. I'll tell you though, my period made this a whole lot worse.
I've always been anemic. I was diagnosed when I had my oldest in 1987. Nothing was ever done about it.
I have high blood pressure which runs throughout both sides of the family. I have mild arthritis. I also have hypothyroidism. I take meds for the blood pressure and thyroid. I am also on prescription iron and potassium supplements. My levels were low and have since evened out.
I had a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy 2 years ago. They found absolutely nothing. I mean nothing. It doesn't matter what I eat. Even though I am careful, I'm right back in the bathroom.
My doctor is trying to tell me that this is anxiety or stress based since the tests showed nothing.
The weird thing is that I can feel it gurgling through my intestines. Sometimes it's so bad other people can hear it. Like when you're hungry you can hear your stomach growl.
I'm at the point where I'm afraid to eat anything. I had to quit working because of all this.
Thanks for reading.